candle label size guide

Candle Label Size Guide: How To Choose The Right Label Size

Navigating the world of candle labels can transform your products from simple to spectacular. It’s about more than just sticking a tag onto a candle; it’s about crafting an identity, telling a story, and meeting compliance standards. Whether you're a boutique artisan or a major player in the candle market, the right label can set your candles apart on crowded shelves and captivate potential customers. This guide will walk you through determining the perfect label size for your candles, ensuring they catch the eye and carry all essential information beautifully and legally. Explore the art and science of candle label sizing with us and watch your products illuminate the marketplace.

What size should a candle label be?

Candles come in various shapes and sizes, which require different label approaches to enhance their aesthetics and functionality. If you're planning to create candle labels, here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Identify Your Container Type: Begin by categorising your candle based on its container. Are they housed in classic candle jars, modern tins, or glass votives? Each container has its own set of dimensions and curves, which will influence your label choice.
  • Measure Your Container: Accurately measuring your container is crucial. For candle jars and candle tins, note the height and diameter. These dimensions will serve as the foundation for selecting the correct label size.
  • Understand Label Coverage: Decide how much of the label should cover the container. Do you prefer a whole wrap that encircles the entire container or a front label that serves as a window to the candle inside? The coverage can affect the design impact and the space available for necessary information.

Armed with this knowledge, you're better prepared to choose labels that fit perfectly and enhance the candle's appeal.

Choosing the Right Label for Different Candle Containers

Selecting the perfect label for your candle containers is crucial for aesthetic harmony and practical application. Based on the most popular container sizes, here are the recommended label dimensions that ensure a perfect fit and visually appealing packaging:

candle label size guide

What size label is a 100 ml (10cl) candle containers?

Square Labels Round Labels Rectangle Labels
40 mm x 40 mm 40 mm x 40 mm

50 mm x 30 mm


30 mm x 50 mm

Ideal for small candle jars  Complements the candle jar's circular base For a more stretched appearance along the candle jar's body



candle label size guide

What size label is a 200 ml (20cl) candle containers?

Square Labels Round Labels Rectangle Labels
60 mm x 60 mm 60 mm x 60 mm

70 mm x 40 mm


40 mm x 70mm

Offer ample space for branding on medium candle jars Ensure a cohesive look that curves with the candle jar Provide flexibility in design orientation



candle label size guide

What size label is a 300 ml (30cl) candle containers?

Square Labels Round Labels Rectangle Labels
70 mm x 70 mm 70 mm x 70 mm

100 mm x 60 mm 


45 mm x 75mm

Make a bold statement on larger candle jars Maintain visual balance with the candle jar’s broader surface Suitable for extensive information and design


What material should be used for candle labels?

Selecting suitable materials for your candle labels defines the product's look, resilience, and appeal.

  1. Paper Labels: Ideal for brands aiming for a classic or natural aesthetic, paper labels provide a traditional feel. They offer a warm, inviting texture that is tactile and visually appealing.
  2. Polypropylene Labels (BOPP): Polypropylene labels are known for their durability, clarity, and resistance to moisture and UV light. They ensure long-lasting quality and appearance.
  3. Metallic/Silver Labels: Metallic or silver labels add a vibrant, eye-catching sheen that can elevate a product’s premium feel and make it stand out on shelves.

How to increase label aesthetic for candle labels?

  1. Glossy Finish: Enhances the colours on your labels, making them pop and attract attention, perfect for vibrant and colourful designs.
  2. Matte Finish: Offers an elegant, sophisticated look with reduced glare, ideal for premium brands aiming for subtlety and class.
  3. Gold Foil: Incorporating gold foil elements into your labels adds a luxurious touch suitable for high-end candles or special occasions.
  4. Emboss: Adds a dimensional aspect to your labels, creating a tactile experience that can significantly enhance your product's perceived value.

The choice of material and finishes for your candle labels is crucial in determining how consumers perceive your products. Thoughtful selection of these elements ensures that your labels are functional and contribute to the overall branding and customer experience.

Design Considerations for Different Candles

Label Shape and Size:

  • Shape Compatibility: Choose a label shape that complements the container. For example, round and oval labels work well with cylindrical candle jars, while square or rectangular labels might suit more angular tins.
  • Size Proportion: Ensure the label size is proportionate to the candle container. It should be large enough to be easily readable but not so large as to overwhelm the container’s design.

Colour and Visual Elements:

  • Colour Schemes: Select colours that align with your brand identity and enhance the candle’s appeal. Consider how colours influence consumer emotions and perceptions—soft pastels might evoke calmness, while vibrant hues could signify energy or excitement.
  • Texture: Special finishes like metallic foils or embossing can elevate your candle's shelf presence and suggest a higher-quality product. Decide which features will best highlight your candle's unique aspects and enhance consumer attraction.

Typography and Readability:

  • Font Choice: Use fonts that are easy to read and reflect your brand’s personality. Elegant scripts may suit luxury candles, while bold, straightforward fonts could be better for everyday-use products.
  • Legibility: Ensure essential information like the scent, weight, and safety instructions are legible. Contrast in text and background colour can significantly aid visibility.

Label Placement:

  • Visibility and Appeal: Position labels to maximise visibility and attractiveness. For candles, consider placing primary labels on the front of the container for immediate impact and secondary labels (like ingredients or usage instructions) on the back or bottom.
  • Functional Considerations: Ensure label placement does not interfere with product usage. Labels should not obscure any functional parts of the container or make it difficult to open or use the candle.

Compliance and Legal Requirements

Navigating the regulatory landscape is crucial for any candle business to ensure that all labels meet legal standards and safely inform consumers. Here’s a concise guide to help you understand the compliance and legal requirements for candle labels:

candle label size guide

Classification, Labelling, and Packaging (CLP)

Ensure that your labels comply with CLP regulations. These regulations require hazard warnings, precautionary statements, and product ingredients to be clearly listed on the label. This information is vital for consumer safety and legal compliance, especially in markets like the UK and EU.

Mandatory Information

  • Product Identity: Clearly state what the candle is, including scent and type.
  • Net Contents: Include the amount or weight of the candle in an easily understandable format.
  • Manufacturer Information: Provide details about the manufacturer or the responsible party, including contact information.
  • Safety Instructions: Essential safety information, such as burning instructions, warnings about keeping the flame away from combustible materials, and advice on how long to burn the candle safely.


  • Font Size and Style: All critical information should be in a font size that is easy to read. Avoid fancy styles that may impair readability, especially for important safety and compliance details.
  • Contrast and Visibility: Ensure that the text contrasts sufficiently with the background to be easily visible under normal shopping conditions. 

Local and International Standards

Adapt to Market Regulations: If your candles are sold in different regions, be aware of local and international labelling regulations, which may vary.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How big should a label be on a jar?

Labels on jars should cover enough area to be eye-catching and allow for all essential information to be easily read. A good rule of thumb is to cover about one-third to one-half of the jar's surface area, depending on the jar's size and shape.

What legally needs to be on a candle label in the UK?

In the UK, candle labels must comply with CLP regulations, including hazard information, precautionary statements, and a list of ingredients. Labels must also include the manufacturer’s details, net contents, and safety information.

How do I label my candles effectively?

To effectively label your candles, ensure that the design is visually appealing and aligns with your brand. Use legible fonts and adequate spacing, incorporate essential information, and consider using special finishes to enhance the label's attractiveness and readability.

What type of labels are best for candles?

Candle labels should be made from materials that can withstand heat and are resistant to fading and smudging. Options like polypropylene are popular due to their durability and aesthetic appeal.

To Wrap Up

Crafting the perfect label for your candles is an art form that bridges creativity with compliance. Your labels do more than adhere to regulations; they tell your brand’s story, evoke emotions, and captivate the senses—much like the candles themselves. With the right size, material, design, and compliance savvy, your candle labels can transform ordinary containers into mesmerising tales of fragrance and flame.

Remember, every label you design reflects your dedication to quality and invites consumers to experience the unique ambience your candles create. So, blend these insights with your brand’s distinctive flair and light up the market with candles that are as visually appealing as aromatic.

We’re excited to see how you bring your candle visions to life, illuminating spaces and hearts with your creative labels.
